Community involvement

Our community is at the heart of everything we do. Dedicated to actively engaging with individuals affected by MS, including people with MS, their family, healthcare professionals, and advocacy groups, we listen to your needs, values, and preferences to better understand your challenges and develop research-driven solutions to address them.

Stakeholder Reference Group

Our Stakeholder Reference Group, established in 2019, comprises people with MS, health professionals, and researchers. The group plays a crucial role in our research by providing expertise to inform and guide our projects. By representing the voice of people with MS and the broader MS community, the Stakeholder Reference Group ensures that the values and perspectives of people with MS remain at the heart of our research.

Bryan Steinhardt

Person with MS

Cindy Miller

Person with MS

Michelle Evans

Person with MS

Dr Lisa Grech

Clinical Psychologist
MS Researcher
Person with MS

Misty Reinkowsky

Accredited Practising Dietitian
Senior MSWA Dietitian

Professor Allan Kermode


Jodie Roberts

Accredited Practising Dietitian
MSWA Dietitian

Challis Wilson

MS Nurse

Cassandra Thomas

Senior Speech Pathologist

Michaela Mundy

MS Senior Counsellor

Hannah Papendorf

Accredited Practising Dietitian
MSWA Dietitian

Research participation

Get involved in our research to help advance our understanding of the relationship between diet and MS. Your involvement helps us uncover new insights and develop evidence-based resources to improve the quality of life for people with MS.

Community updates

Check out our annual community updates for an overview of our research activities.